Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party!

It's almost party time! Friday 26th October is the official launch day of my Halloween Special Novella – How Do You Voodoo? and I’m celebrating by hosting The Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party!


Sign up now by scrolling down to the Sign Up Form at the bottom of this page

Launching on Friday 26th October!

The Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party works like this:

Fill in the Join The Party form at the bottom of this page to let me know you are participating.
Think about what sort of spell you’d like to cast? A Day Off Work Spell? A Love Spell? A More Chocolate Spell? Lots of New Shoes Spell? A Less Stressful Life Spell? Whatever – it’s up to you!



Then: have a read through all the spellbindingly fun ingredients listed on the magic scroll below and choose the ones you need to make your spellbinding recipe. Use as many as you want or need.
Make up a spell-like verse if you want to: Example (for a love spell) ‘I call to the powers below and above, North, East, South, West. In the name of love.’ Only be as elaborate and inventive as you like!
On Friday 26th October YOU post on YOUR OWN BLOG your Spellbindingly Fun Spell – include your ‘magic recipe’ and your ‘spellbinding verse’ and even, if you want to, a photo or picture of the object of your desire, and then everyone  participating in the Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party can pop over to your blog to see what it is!
That's because...
On Friday 26th October I will post my own Spellbindingly Fun Spell here on my blog together with a full list of all the blog links of those participating – that’s why you need to sign up – so c’mon – why wait – get signed up now!!

I promise you spellbindingly good fun and prizes!